New Media Art: Alex Galloway

The term “New Media Art” loosely describes content created for exhibition with an emerging technology, typically digital, possibly interactive in nature. Research two new media artists and provide a brief overview of their work and what they are trying to achieve. Compare the experience of viewing their work to Kantian aesthetics and determine if the artworks support these ideals.

The concept of “new media art” is an avenue that has always been open to those operating in the art world. As society moves forward, there is always a continuous flow of developing technology in all fields. As this happens, it provides artists operating in these same time frames to comment on these technologies being created, to use them in their work and to shed different lights on them – to create a different point to view them in. Loosely described, New media art is a genre that brings together artworks that are created with new media – such as digital art, virtual art, 3D printing, internet art and interactive art.

New media art is tied closely to older art movement such as Dadaism and Pop art, with the concepts of the readymade and the photomontage occurring quite often within both. An notable contemporary artist that is linking strongly with New media art is Alex Galloway, an associate professor in the Department of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University. Galloway’s most noted work, Carnivore (2001), which is a downloadable program inspired by the FBI’s DCS1000 (also known as Carnivore) – a program that spies on network traffic. The program would allow the downloader to program his own “client” to interpret data that Carnivore would pick up. Galloway has commented that the program could be used as a real surveillance tool to steal passwords and other information, but encourages used to behave honestly.

As Galloway’s Carnivore functions much in the same way as the original program, the artist conducts real searches of volunteers – not criminals or those under surveillance. Through this collection of data, Galloway creates artworks. The data, when collected by the program, is converted to vibrant sounds and images.

Carnivore, 2001
Carnivore, 2001

Some links that I have found that are interesting relating to this topic are:

Art Offensive

Abstract: New Media Art

And of course, the download page itself:


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